Wednesday, 27 October 2010

First Wedding Anniversary (24/10/2010)

Can't believe it, time flies and its our first wedding anniversary!

We attended Sunday morning service at St. John's Church, where we were married. Lots of unfamiliar faces and curate whom married us and few familiar faces that we knew weren't there. Visited Sunday Farmer's market supporting local farmers and their products: bought mergets, Toulouse and Lincolnshire sausages, Blue cheese, smoke duck breast, Cornish pastie, pumpkins (for cooking soup) and Rustic apples.

We had fantastics 3 courses meal at Luton Hoo Hotel, Wernher Restaurant (formal dining room). Have a leisurely stroll at Formal and Rock Gardens and watch the world goes by.


sleepiekoala said...

happy belated 1st anniversary... :D

Chris said...

Thanks! Its just the beginning of a life long commitment :-) Blessed!