Thursday, 30 September 2010

Amniocentesis Test

Test brought forward to 25th August instead due to consultant schedule. Been briefed 1:25 (4%) risk of Trisomy 21 and 0.75-1.0% miscarriage after the procedure. We determined to have the further test to confirm the chromosomes abnormality.

The consultant drawn 16ml of amniotic fluid from my uterus with a thin needle poked through stomach with probe from scan. This procedure have to be done within 15th week but not later than 16th week just in case the fetus grow bigger. I have to put up my feet and rest for at least 48 hours without any house-work and refrained from work too.

Fortunately, the trisomy test for chromosomes 13, 18 and 21 is normal and I can carry on with my pregnancy as nothing happened.


Anonymous said...

lots of technical jargon but i am so glad ur baby is fine :D

Chris said...

I learnt these and been briefed by midwife/consultant before test :-) Lol